Testimony of Healing - Gail Johnson
When you and your husband are asked for dinner you don’t expect to be prayed over for healing of a shoulder injury you’ve had for 20 years. While dining with Rich and Michele Snyder in their beautiful log cabin home in Boyertown PA, and discussing the things of God on our minds I mentioned that my shoulder was hurting. The pain was difficult for me to hide that day penetrating deep, going down my arm to my hand. My discomfort showed on my face. Right then and there both Rich and Michele laid hands on me praying for the healing of this injury. Power came from a Word, from Faith Believing, from Truth, from two hearts dedicated to immediate Prayer – no waiting for a better time – the time is now. Healing is for you and me. It was for me that day.
To give you my story this is how the injury happened: It was in dead of winter. I fell from the top step of a steel staircase coming out of a camper that my husband Dave and I lived in for a while. I had a bible in hand on a Sunday morning, my purse, and a cup of coffee – and I was wearing heels. Well, my first step out that morning heading to church did not lead me to a second step. My bible, purse, and coffee flew in the air as I too went into the air hitting the frozen ground shoulder first and tearing the rotator cuff on my right shoulder. The impact was hard and tore the cuff right from the bone so severely that there was no repair that would fix it. When the pain became so great that I couldn’t stand it anymore I would agree to shoulder replacement surgery – that was the final advice given me by two different doctors. I never went. I just lived with it.
That night of prayer over my injury I knew that healing took place. How did I know? I believe in healing. I believe in the power of prayer. I have been healed before. Faith believing – there is power in that kind of faith proclaimed. Rich and Michele had that word of proclamation over me, it was powerful, tender, anointed, and sure! That evening I left their home without pain and for the next few months I had no pain at all. Then, I started feeling discomfort one day – the pain was growing throughout the day going down my arm. I stopped what I was doing and identified the pain with a word to the adversary to leave me alone – I have no time for you Satan – you have no power over me. I was healed, I am healed. And the pain left. I will never need a shoulder replacement! Praises!

Testimony of Healing - Tom Minor, Elkton, MD
In the fall of 2018, I attended a service at the New Birth Fellowship in Pottstown, PA. I was suffering nearly chronic knee pain from constant standing on a concrete floor at my postal job. I was using a cane, which caught Michele's attention and so she asked if she could pray for me, which I consented to.
From that moment, a process began and within about three months my knee was completely healed and I was able to give away the cane.
Now over four years later, I'm still healed and at age 65 I'm able to do as much or more than when I was younger. Glory be to Jehova Rapha, the Lord who heals us!
Ministry Recommendations
Don Allen
Host of Christ The Healer tv, NewOldSchool Podcast
Founder of The Midwest Healing Center
Pastor Of Church @ The MHC
Michele and Rich Snyder bring a unique look into the supernatural power of God through the demonstration of the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ. By simply taking God at His word, they open up a doorway for all to walk through to experience the God of miracles and the miracles of God.
“Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them. And the multitudes with one accord heeded the things spoken by Philip, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, came out of many who were possessed; and many who were paralyzed and lame were healed.”
Acts 8:5-7 NKJV
As a branch of The Midwest healing center, The EastCoast Healing center is a mobile ministry that operates on the go. Rich and Michele look not only to teach and preach, but to empower believers through no nonsense, practical, hands on, demonstration to get up and GO! Through their YouTube channel, EastCoast Healing Center, the program, Kingdom Minutes, looks to draw the believers attention to what it is to be a Kingdom carrier through teaching, training and guest interviews. . “And heal the sick there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’” Luke 10:9 NKJV
The EastCoast Healing Center mobile unit looks to enforce the resurrection of Jesus Christ as they go forth bringing the mission of the Great commission, GO and DO!
Tony Myers
Outside the 4 Walls
Author, Healing Minister, Podcaster, YouTuber
The Love of Christ pours out of the Mobile East Coast Healing Center Ministry. Co-Founders Rich and Michele Snyder are willing conduits for the Love and Power of Christ to flow through them into every aspect of their ministry.
Personally, there is no other ministry that I trust as much as theirs. Always led by the Holy Spirit and filled with love Michele and Rich are powerhouses for the Body of Christ. They have both in their personal lives and in ministry experienced the extreme lows and highs of the valleys and mountaintops and have maintained their faith and love of God and love for people through it all.
In my opinion they are a very well-rounded in all aspects of ministry. Individually they both have a strong relationship with our Heavenly Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, which combined together as a married couple make them that much more powerful and effective ministers.
I have been honored to work with them at a conference, on many livestreams and podcasts and am always impressed with the knowledge and wisdom that Michele imparts to those in attendance. Her two books are treasures that motivate and empower the reader.
This ministry has only just begun to advance God’s Kingdom on this earth, especially in the area of the supernatural healing power of Holy Spirit. Thank you, Jesus, for this powerful ministry that sees the supernatural and empowers individuals to walk in what every single believer is capable of walking in.
Apostle David Juma
Founder, Life Church International & Elevate TV Kenya
Dearly beloved, am endorsing the East Coast Healing Center, a ministry by my long time friends, Michele & Richard Snyder.
For years, this couple has studied and preached on the ministry and the gifts of healings for long. Their impact on believers and all those who hear them is evident to all who encounter them. If we the Church knew what Christ has provided for the believers in the Scriptures then we would walk in victory over every sickness and disease.
Michele and Rich are laboring to teach the church to remove religious and tradition mentalities that hinder us from receiving healing.
Recently, they have released a book, “The Word Become Flesh”, a devotional to build our understanding on healing and activate our faith for miracles, signs and wonders.
I believe this ministry will impact your life and ministry and I recommend them highly for ministry to your church, family and the body of Christ.
In 2007/8, we spent 6 months in Kenya with Michele and Rich doing ministry with us at the Life Church International in Kenya. I know their sacrifice, love and passion for the Kingdom.
Receive them in the Lord.